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The members of the Pastoral Team (Assistant Heads, Heads of Year and Form Tutors) have
worked as a group and as individuals in a professional and caring way with individual students
and parents. We have focused on target setting from Day 1: all students were encouraged by
their FTs to refer either to their end -of -year report or external exam results and set short and
long term targets for the new year, both academic and non-academic targets. The process of In-
tervention during the first and second term served as a tool for further academic development.
Departments worked on assessment and detected cases of concern that needed additional sup-
port. These cases were referred to the Pastoral Team for discussion and action plans which were
communicated to parents and students.
As part of our overall system of academic monitoring, two Review Days were offered to our stu-
dents and these were additional opportunities for students to do some self-assessment and re-
flection which guided them in setting new targets in the presence of their Form Tutor and their
parents. Our ongoing target is to train our students to be independent and reflective learners,
well equipped to deal with all challenges now and when they graduate.
The new students in Year 1 have been involved in integration and team building activities with
their Head of Year and Form Tutors. This process started from the very first day of term. These
students as well as other, older students who had recently joined the school, were welcomed and
a whole/or part of the morning was dedicated to induction with the help of other students.
Other activities too have been organised for junior students during the course of the year on
and off campus, including a weekend at Troodos and an educational trip to Larnaca.
A number of events have also been organised for older students including a powerful presenta-
tion on road safety - one of our main concerns with seniors who have recently acquired a driv-
ing licence – as well as sessions on the dangers posed by alcohol consumption and smoking.
The school counsellor has offered additional support and guidance to those students who might
have been facing some more challenging situations. Her presence at the school during morning
hours this year has proven very effective: she has established herself as a member of staff and
has worked very productively with the individual members of the Pastoral Team who often con-
sulted her on various issues that involve individual cases of concern. She has also occasionally
participated in meetings we may have with parents to discuss ways to support students.
This year the role of the school nurse has developed in the delivery of PSHE in Lower School . She
has worked very effectively with the Pastoral Team on a very systematic basis over cases of health
concerns including psychological challenges. The nurse has been communicating with parents
and a formal system of gathering health concerns has been built.
Further work on personal, health and social issues was also delivered by members of the Pastoral
Team during assembly time, on themes such as study skills, setting targets, anger management,
family values, respect, rights and responsibilities , sex and relationship education, punctuality,
caring for animals, caring for the environment; respecting yourself and others, bullying etc.
A number of outside professionals, friends of the school to whom we are very grateful, have
also contributed to this through presentations/workshop. We are lucky to have received sup-
port from doctors, psychologists and other professionals on health and social issues such as ad-
dictive substances, cyber bullying, safety on the internet.
A number of activities on the theme of Facebook have taken place, led by professionals from
the University of Cyprus including two evenings for parents of Years 1 to 4, and two presenta-
tions addressing Years 1 and 2 on the use of the Facebook. The events with the parents were
sponsored by the ESPA council who have been very supportive with our efforts to raise aware-
ness on the topic.
Our system of achievement points and negative behaviour points has worked well and we are
working on further developing this next term. We have been rewarding students who had the
highest number of achievement points by praising them at assembly and /or by giving certificates
and small gifts or by taking them on short trips off campus. We have been in touch with indi-
vidual students and their parents when we felt that a student had been getting too many be-
haviour points and, at the same time, underachieving academically. We discussed the reasons
behind this and the necessary action was taken for closer monitoring.
The Pastoral Team and other members of staff have received training on basic counselling skills,
learning difficulties as well as on ways to deal with teenagers thus equipping themwith the nec-
essary knowledge and skills to deal with our young people.The nurse has also delivered training
to staff on allergies and other health issues .
On behalf of the Pastoral Team we would like to thank the parents who have cooperated with
us this year for the wellbeing of our students/children. We look forward to continuing the pro-
fessional partnership and developing it with a shared vision: the success and happiness of our
young people.
Best Wishes for happy summer holidays.
The Pastoral team 2013-14
2013 - 2014
The class with the most achievement points
enjoys a picnic together out of school.
Report by:
Antigoni Ki li ari ,
Assistant Head Lower
Yi annis Georgi ou
Assistant Head Upper
ng L i Sh
annual report 2014 new new.qxp_Layout 1 16/07/2014 08:26 Page 12